Chris Heuer is a Futurist, Entrepreneur, Game Changer, Media Producer, Reiki Master, and Lover of Life. He has spent more than 20 years re-imagining how people work together in the digital era – inside companies as well as inside markets. His vision, research and experiences lead to a new vision for social collaboration in his recently launched startup called Will Someone.
As the global founder and chairman of Social Media Club, he advanced media literacy and the ethical use of social media for market engagement. While at Deloitte Consulting, serving as a Social Business leader, he more deeply explored engagement strategies and lead several digital transformation projects, including the global rollout of Yammer at Deloitte.
Chris is also the host of a new web series #CXDNow, where he believes that “the time for Customer Experience Design is now!”. During his session, he will share many of the tools he has developed over the years as well as some of the insights he has been gaining over the past several weeks.